Saturday 14 June 2014

Plastic Spoon Angel

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 8 years
Estimated Time: Under 15 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • Plastic spoon
  • Cupcake liner
  • Bostik glue
  • Glitter glue
  • Gold pipe cleaner
  • Black permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Cellotape
  1. Flatten out the cupcake liner and fold into half.
  2. Cut a triangle into each side so that when you open it up, it creates a wing on either side.
  3. Use Bostik glue to stick the spoon down the middle of the cupcake liner.
  4. Decorate the cupcake liner with glitter glue.
  5. Twist a small piece of gold pipe cleaner into a circle and secure it on the top of the spoon with cellotape to mimic a halo.
  6. Use a permanent marker to draw on a face for your angel.

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