Monday 16 June 2014

Feathered Peacock

Age Group: 4 years (with help) to 10 years
Estimated Time: Around 30 minutes
Messiness: Low


  • Coloured cardboard paper
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Orange kokie
  • Cellotape
  • Coloured feathers
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors

  1. Cut out a hour-glass shape from the coloured cardboard paper for the peacock's body.
  2. Use the cellotape to stick the feathers in a semicircle to the back of the body. Through trial and error, I realised the cellotape was much easier than glue!
  3. Draw on feet and a beak.
  4. Stick on the 2 googly eyes with the craft glue.

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