Wednesday 25 June 2014

Paper Plate Fish

Age Range: 2 years to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium

  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Poster paint
  • Different coloured tissue paper
  • White craft glue
  • Cellotape
  • Small piece of white cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  1. Use the poster paints to paint the paper plate and leave to dry.
  2. Once dry, cut out triangle from the plate to make a mouth.
  3. Stick the triangle that you just cut out on to the back of the fish as a tail. Use cellotape for this.
  4. Spread a thin layer of craft glue over the fish and paste on little bits of tissue paper.
  5. Cut out a circle from the white card as an eye and stick it on with the craft glue.
  6. Use the black kokie to draw a dot inside the eye.

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