Wednesday 18 June 2014

Shark Fin Hat

Age Group: 3 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Around 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • Paper plate
  • 2 A4 pieces of white cardboard paper
  • Blue poster paint
  • Scissors
  • White craft glue
  • Elastic
  • Bostik glue
  • Cellotape

  1. Paint the paper plate and one piece of white card with the blue paint and let dry.
  2. Out of the other piece of white card, cut out 8 triangles for shark teeth.
  3. Once the blue card has dried, fold it in half and cut out a shark fin shape.
  4. Glue the two sides of the shark fin together with white craft glue and let dry.
  5. Secure the shark teeth on the under side of the rim of the paper plate with cellotape. 
  6. Place a thin line of Bostik down the middle of the paper plate just big enough for the fin.
  7. Hold the fin steady in the Bostik until the fin stays standing by itself. 
  8. Poke holes in either side of the paper plate (behind the teeth) and attach elastic.

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