Monday 16 June 2014

Natural Sunflower

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: High


  • Large piece of white cardboard paper - A3 size or bigger
  • Yellow poster paint
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Leaves
  • Brown crayon
  • Green crayon
  • White craft glue
  • Pom-pom (optional)
  • Button (optional)
  1. Paint a large sunflower on the cardboard and leave to dry.
  2. Once dried, spread white craft glue in the middle of the sunflower and sprinkle sunflower seeds.
  3. Draw the stem and a leaf - you can also substitute these for the actual things!!
  4. Harley (3 years) and Scarlett (2 years) decided that their sunflower needed bees and used a pom-pom and button to depict this.

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