Saturday 21 June 2014


Age Range: 3 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • A4 black cardboard paper
  • A4 red cardboard paper
  • 2 split pins
  • Black paint
  • White paint
  • Red pipe cleaner
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Pritt glue
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Cellotape

  1. Cut out 2 circles from the black card - 1 big (for the body) and 1 small (for the head).
  2. Cut out 1 circle from the red card the same size as the big black circle.
  3. Use Pritt glue to paste the little circle to the back of the big circle.
  4. Cut the red circle in half.
  5. Use split pins to join each red semi-circle to the big black circle at the top, so that they open like wings.
  6. Use black paint to paint circles onto the red wings.
  7. Use craft glue to stick the googly eyes to the small black circle.
  8. Paint in a mouth with the white paint.
  9. Bend the pipe cleaner in half and cellotape the bend to the back of the head for feelers.

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