Saturday 14 June 2014

Ice-cream Stick Chameleon

This is great fun for older children (above 4 years old)

Age Group: 4 years to 10 years
Estimated Time: Under 15 minutes
Messiness: Low


  • 2 thin pipe cleaners
  • 1 thick (preferably multi-coloured) pipe cleaner
  • 2 googly eyes
  • 3 pom-poms
  • Ice-cream stick
  • Bostik
  • Cellotape


  1. Twist the thin pipe cleaners around the ice-cream stick to make 4 legs.
  2. Twist the thick pipe cleaner around your finger once to create a tongue.
  3. Cellotape the tongue to the underneath of the ice-cream stick so that the cellotape is not visible.
  4. Use the Bostik to stick on the googly eyes and pom-poms
  5. You may have to play around with the angles of the legs to make the chameleon stand on its own!!

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