Tuesday 24 June 2014

Colourful Peacock


  • White cardboard paper
  • Plastic spoon
  • Brightly coloured kokies
  • Black permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Bostik glue
  • Glitter glue
  • Fluffy feather
  1. Fold the white card into half.
  2. Cut a section of the top part off to make a square, and thus, a rectangle when opened.
  3. Keep it folded and cut out curves on the outside of the folded card (see picture). 
  4. Open it up. It should look like the open feathers of a peacock.
  5. With different coloured kokies, colour in each section of the paper.
  6. Use glitter glue to draw spirals in each feather.
  7. Leave it to dry.
  8. Meanwhile, cut out a very small folded triangle from the white card for a beak.
  9. Colour both sides, inside and outside, of the beak orange.
  10. Draw in 2 eyes with the permanent marker.
  11. Once the feathers have dried, use Bostik to stick the spoon down the middle.
  12. Put a blob of Bostik just above the top of the spoon and stick on the feather.

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