Saturday, 14 June 2014

Plastic Knife and Spoon Dragonfly

Age Group: 4 years (with help) to 10 years
Estimated Time: Under 15 minutes
Messiness: High

  • 2 plastic knives
  • 1 plastic dessert spoon
  • Masking tape
  • ACRYLIC paint (poster paint just peels off)
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Glitter (optional)

  1. Use the masking tape to join the 2 knives together at an angle to create the wings
  2. Use masking tape to connect the dessert spoon (round side up) to the top of the knives. They should connect just where the base of the spoon starts.
  3. Use any colour ACRYLIC paint. Remember to paint the bottom of the dragonfly too!!
  4. Whilst the paint is still wet, sprinkle on some glitter. Dipping a paint brush into dry glitter and daubing it onto the wet paint works brilliantly.
  5. Once dry, stick on the googly eyes.  

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