Monday 16 June 2014

Egg Carton Very Hungry Caterpillar

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium

  • 1 six egg, egg carton
  • Red paint
  • Green paint
  • Orange paint
  • 3 pipe cleaners
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • White craft glue
  • Craft knife (adults only!!)
  1. Cut out the egg carton into individual egg cartons.
  2. Paint one of the egg cartons red and leave to dry.
  3. Paint 3 more orange and 2 more green and leave to dry.
  4. Once dry, use a craft knife to cut holes in the sides of the individual cartons.
  5. Thread one pipe cleaner through the egg cartons.
  6. Poke the other two pipe cleaners through the top of the red carton to make feelers.
  7. Use craft glue to stick on the googly eyes.

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