Monday 16 June 2014

Marble Painting

This is a real hit with kids of all ages (and adults alike!) and creates a magnificent effect.

Age Group: 2 years upwards
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • Printer paper lid
  • A4 white cardboard
  • Poster paint (not too thick)
  • Marbles
  1. Place the cardboard paper into the printer paper lid.
  2. Pour different coloured runny poster paint onto the card in blobs in different places.
  3. Place a marble or two in each blob of paint and then sway the lid from side to side so that the marbles move around the card.
  4. Be careful when you remove the card from the lid as it will be quite soggy - place to dry.
  5. Repeat!!

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