Thursday 18 September 2014

Glitter Tarantula

3 year old boy

4 year old boy
  • Black cardboard paper
  • 8 clothes pegs
  • 8 googly eyes of different sizes
  • White craft glue
  • Glitter
  • Scissors
  • Paper plate
    2 year old girl
  1. Cut out a circle shape from the black card.
  2. Use craft glue to stick on the 8 googly eyes.
  3. Pour the glitter onto the paper plate and spread it so that it is even.
  4. Spread a thin layer of craft glue onto one side of each peg.
  5. Place the glued side of each peg into the glitter.
  6. Pick up and shake off the excess glitter.
  7. Leave to dry.
  8. Once dried, peg onto the sides of the circles to make spiders!

Contact Plastic Sheep

3 year old boy


  • Contact plastic
  • Black permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Cotton wool balls/puffs
  1. On the non-sticky side of the contact plastic, draw the outline of a sheep with the permanent marker.
  2. Peel off the backing a place on the table with the sticky side facing upwards.
  3. Place the cotton wool balls onto the plastic within the lines of the sheep you have drawn.
  4. Once done, fold the sticky edges in and cut the excess plastic off so that it is not sticky.

Feathered Duck

3 year old boy


  • Yellow cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • Googly eye
  • Coloured feathers
  • White craft glue
  1. Use the scissors to cut out a duck shape.
  2. Spread a thin layer of craft glue all over the card.
  3. Let the child stick the coloured feathers onto the duck.
  4. Use craft glue to stick on the googly eye.

Pig in Mud

3 year old boy


  • White cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  • Pink pastel
  • Brown poster paint
  1. Using the black kokie, draw the outline of a pig on the card.
  2. Let the child colour the pig in using the pink pastel.
  3. Give the child the brown paint and let them use their finger to paint "mud" onto the pig.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Hand Print Tutu


  • Pink poster paint
  • Pink ribbon
  • 2 pieces of white cardboard paper
  • Embellishment such as a butterfly

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Footprint Bee Garden Scene

2 year old girl

  • White cardboard paper
  • Blue pastels
  • Green pastels
  • Flower shaped buttons
  • White craft glue
  • Yellow poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Black kokie
  • Glitter glue

Paper Plate Bee #2

3 year old boy

  • Paper plate
  • Yellow poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Black pom-pom
  • Googly eye
  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • White craft glue
  • Cellotape
  • Black kokie

  1. Paint the paper plate yellow and let dry.
  2. With the black paint, draw stripes down the bee and let dry.
  3. Use craft glue to stick on the googly eye.
  4. Use craft glue to stick on the pom-pom as the bee's stinger.
  5. Use the black kokie to draw on a mouth.
  6. Twist the pipe cleaners into wing shapes and use the cellotape to stick them to the back of the plate.

Footprint Penguin

3 year old boy

  • Black poster paint
  • White poster paint
  • Orange pastel
  • 2 googly eyes
  • White craft glue
  • White cardboard paper

Exploding Volcano


  • Brown paper
  • Black cardboard paper
  • White craft glue
  • Cotton wool puffs
  • Bronze glitter
  1. Cut out a volcano shape from the brown paper and stick it onto the black card.
  2. With the craft glue, draw lines down the volcano and coming out of the volcano.
  3. Sprinkle the bronze glitter over the glue and shake off any of the excess glitter.
  4. Once the glitter has dried, spread craft glue over the top of the volcano and stick on the cotton wool puffs as the smoke.

Button Christmas Tree

I used this craft when teaching the colour "green"

3 year old boy

  • Green cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • White craft glue
  • Green buttons
  1. From the green card, cut out a tree.
  2. Let the child choose which buttons they would like to use as the tree's "leaves".
  3. Use the craft glue to stick them on.

2 Peas in a Pod

3 year old boy


  • Paper plate
  • Green paper
  • Green paint
  • Scissors
  • White cardboard paper
  • White craft glue
  • Green pastels/crayons/kokies
  1. Paint the paper plate green and leave to dry.
  2. Cut the dry paper plate in half.
  3. Cut out 2 circles from the green paper and stick them onto the top of the white card.
  4. Glue one half of the paper plate at the bottom of the card, covering half of the circles.
  5. Discard the other half of the plate.
  6. Use the pastels to draw faces on the circles (peas)

Handprint Zebra

3 year old boy


  • Black poster paint
  • White poster paint
  • Black kokie
  • Googly eye
  • White craft glue
  • Red cardboard paper

Monday 1 September 2014

Foot Print Giraffe


  • Orange cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • Brown poster paint
  • Split pin
  • 2 googly eyes
  • White craft glue

  1. Trace around the child's foot on the orange card and cut it out.
  2. Cut out a long rectangle from the left over orange card.
  3. Use the brown paint to paint blotches over the foot and rectangle.
  4. When dried, use the split pin to join them together (see picture).
  5. Use craft glue to stick on the 2 googly eyes.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Paper Plate Bunny Rabbit

2 year old
3 year old


  • 2 paper plates
  • Pink pastel
  • Black pastel
  • Pink pom-pom
  • 2 cotton wool puffs
  • White craft glue
  • White cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Stapler and staples

  1. Colour the inner circle of one of the paper plates pink.
  2. Use the scissors to cut the paper plate in half.
  3. On the other paper plate, use the craft glue to stick on the 2 googly eyes.
  4. Use craft glue to stick on the pom-pom nose and 2 cotton wool puffs on either side of the nose.
  5. Use the pink pastel to draw in a mouth.
  6. From the white card, cut out a bow tie and colour it in.
  7. Use the craft glue to stick the bow tie below the mouth.
  8. Use the stapler to staple the ears to the face.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Footprint Crocodile

2 year old girl

  • Pink OR green poster paint
  • White A4 cardboard paper
  • Button OR googly eye
  • White craft glue
  • Pastels
  • Feet!!

3 year old boy

  1. Paint the child's right foot using the poster paint and place it at an angle, facing upward, at the bottom of the page.
  2. Paint the child's left foot using the poster paint and place it at an angle, facing downward, making the toes overlap with the other footprint.
  3. Let it dry.
  4. Once dried, use the craft glue to stick on the button or googly eye.
  5. Once that has dried, let the child use the pastels to draw in teeth and other details.

3.5 year old boy
5 year old boy

Thursday 28 August 2014

Fire Fighter Hand Print


  • Red poster paint
  • Blue glitter glue
  • Orange kokie
  • Brown kokie
  • Black kokie
  • Red kokie
  • White cardboard paper

Paper Plate and Tissue Paper Ladybug

Age Group: 2 years to 6 years
Estimated Time: Around 30 minutes
Messiness: High


  • 2 paper plates
  • Red tissue paper cut into squares
  • White craft glue
  • Black paint
  • Scissors 
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Cellotape
  1. Cut the middle out of one of the paper plates to make a head.
  2. Paint on the dots, stripe and eyes of the ladybug.
  3. Once dry, apply a thin layer of craft glue over the entire surface of the ladybug (head and body).
  4. Stick the red tissue paper squares onto the glue.
  5. Use cellotape to stick the pipe cleaners to the under side of the head to create feelers.

Paper Plate Bee #1

Age Group: 2 years to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium

  • 2 paper plates
  • Yellow paint
  • Black paint
  • Pipe cleaner
  • White craft glue
  • Cellotape
  1. Paint both paper plates yellow and leave to dry.
  2. Once they have dried, cut out the middle of the one paper plate for the head. 
  3. Use black paint to paint on the bee's stripes and face.
  4. Cut the pipe cleaner in half and twist each one into shape.
  5. Use cellotape to stick each pipe cleaner to the under part of the head.
  6. Use craft glue to stick the head to the body.

Paper Plate Clown

Age Group: 4 years (with help) to 8 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Low


  • Paper plate
  • White cardboard paper
  • Coloured cardboard paper
  • 2 pom-poms
  • Crayons
  • Kokies
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  1. Cut out a long triangular shape from the white cardboard and colour it in with different coloured crayons to make the clown's hat.
  2. Trace your child's hands on the coloured cardboard and cut them out to create the clown's hair.
  3. With a black kokie, draw on the clown's eyes.
  4. With two different coloured kokies, draw rectangles around the eyes.
  5. With a pink kokie, draw circles for cheeks and with a red kokie, draw a mouth.
  6. Use craft glue to stick the hand prints to the back of the paper plate and the hat onto the front of the paper plate.
  7. Use craft glue to stick a pom-pom on the top of the hat and another pom-pom for a nose.

Paper Plate Sun

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • Paper plater
  • Yellow paint
  • Black paint
  • Yellow cardboard paper
  • Orange cardboard paper
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  1. Paint the paper plate yellow and set aside to dry.
  2. Whilst drying, cut out triangles from the yellow and orange card to make the sun's rays.
  3. Once the paper plate has dried, use craft glue to glue the triangles on to the back of the plate. 
  4. With black paint, paint on sunglasses and a mouth.

Paper Plate Dinosaur

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium

  • 2 paper plates
  • White cardboard paper
  • Green paint
  • 7 split pins
  • Scissors
  • Black kokie
  1. Paint both paper plates green and leave to dry.
  2. Out of the white cardboard paper, cut out 4 equal length and width rectangles for the legs and an oval for the head.
  3. Paint the green and leave to dry.
  4. On one of the paper plates, cut a straight line about 2 thirds down the plate to make the dinosaur's body.
  5. From the second paper plate, cut out about 1 third of the plate's rim for the neck.
  6. Cut out the tail from the same plate.
  7. Assemble all the parts of the dinosaur using split pins so that every part of it is movable. 
  8. With the black kokie, draw an eye and a mouth onto the dinosaur's head.

Paper Plate Frog # 1

Age Group: 2 years to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • Paper plate
  • White cardboard paper
  • Green cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Green paint 
  1. Paint the paper plate green and put aside to dry.
  2. Whilst the plate dries, trace your child's hands onto the green cardboard paper and cut them out.
  3. Cut out two long oval shaped eyes.
  4. With the black kokie, draw smaller half ovals near the bottom of the eyes and colour them in for the pupils.
  5. Once the plate has dried, use craft glue to stick the hands and eyes to the back of the plate.
  6. Draw in a mouth and nostrils with the black kokie. 

Handprint Sea Scene


  • Poster paint
  • Small circular sponge
  • 5 googly eyes
  • White craft glue

Paper Plate Frog # 2

3 year old

2 year old


  • Paper plate
  • Green poster paint
  • Pink poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • 2 A4 pieces of white cardboard paper
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  1. Paint the underside of the paper plate green.
  2. Paint your child's hands green and place them on one of the white pieces of card.
  3. Cut out a strip from the other piece of white card and paint it pink.
  4. Let everything dry.
  5. Once the handprints have dried, cut them out.
  6. Use craft glue to stick them to the back of the paper plate as legs.
  7. Glue both sides of the pink strip together to create a circle and use the craft glue to stick it to the middle of the plate.
  8. From the left over white card, cut out 2 circles for eyes.
  9. Paint the middle of the eyes with black poster paint and let them dry.
  10. Once dried, use craft glue to stick them to the top of the paper plate.
  11. You now have a frog!!

Handprint Flamingo


  • Pink poster paint
  • Googly eye
  • White craft glue
  • Black kokie

Handprint Tiger


  • Orange poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Googly eye
  • White craft glue

Handprint Giraffe


  • Yellow poster paint
  • Orange poster paint
  • Googly eye
  • White craft glue
  • Black kokie

Button Car

4 year old


  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • White cardboard paper or black cardboard paper
  • Buttons
  • White craft glue
  • Orange poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Glitter glue
  1. Cut the paper plate in half.
  2. Paint it using the orange poster paint.
  3. Leave to dry.
  4. Whilst drying, paint the white card black (or alternatively use black paper).
  5. Leave to dry.
  6. Let the child choose an array of buttons and once the plate is dry, use the craft glue to stick them all over the plate.
  7. Once the card is dry, cut out 2 circles for the wheels.
  8. Use craft glue to stick them onto the back of the paper plate.

Plastic Spoon Dragonfly


  • Plastic spoon
  • Acrtlic paint
  • Googly eyes
  • Black permanent marker
  • 2 tongue depressors
  • Kokies
  • Bostik glue
  1. Paint the spoon with the acrylic paint - if you do not use acrylic paint, it will just flake off.
  2. Whist drying, get your child to decorate the tongue depressors with the kokies.
  3. Use Bostik glue to stick the tongue depressors together at the middle to mimic dragonfly wings.
  4. Once the spoon has dried, use Bostik glue to stick the spoon onto the tongue depressors. 
  5. Use Bostik to stick on the googly eyes.
  6. Draw a mouth with the black marker.

Handprint Dinosaurs


  • Poster paint
  • Googly eyes
  • White craft glue
  • Black kokie

Footprint Cat

  • Black poster paint
  • White poster paint
  • Pink poster paint

Footprint Zebra


  • White poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Coloured A4 cardboard paper

Footprint Chick and Handprint Lion


  • Yellow poster paint
  • Orange poster paint
  • Googly eyes
  • White craft glue
  • Black kokie

Plastic Spoon Snowman


  • Plastic spoon
  • Black felt
  • Orange felt
  • Scissors
  • Black permanent marker
  • Bostik glue
  1. Cut out a top hat shape from the black felt and glue it on the top of the plastic spoon with Bostik.
  2. From the orange piece of felt, cut out a carrot shape and use Bostik to glue it to the middle of the spoon, making sure that it sticks out further than the end of the spoon.
  3. Use a black marker to draw on eyes and a mouth.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Lion Mask

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • White cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  • Scissors
  • Elastic
  • Yellow paint
  1. Draw a lion face and mane onto the piece of white card.
  2. Paint the card yellow.
  3. Once dry, cut out along the lines of the mane.
  4. Remember to cut holes for the eyes!!
  5. Poke small holes on the each side of the mask and attach elastic.

Tissue Paper Fish

Age Group: 2 years to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 15 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Tissue paper cut into squares
  • Googly eye
  • Coloured cardboard paper

  1. Cut out a simple fish shape from the coloured cardboard.
  2. Spread white craft glue all over the cut-out in a thin layer - using a small spatula works perfectly.
  3. Stick the pieces of tissue paper onto the glue. It's ok if the tissue paper goes over the edges as you can trim it off once it has dried.
  4. Stick on the googly eye with the craft glue.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Speckled Beans Sea Bed

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 8 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium


  • Paper plate
  • Blue poster paint
  • Speckled beans
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Small piece of yellow cardboard paper
  • Googly eye 

  1. Paint the whole of the paper plate blue and put aside to dry.
  2. Whilst drying, cut out a small, simple fish shape from the yellow cardboard.
  3. Once the plate has dried, spread a thin layer of craft glue on the bottom third of the plate and sprinkle with speckled beans to create the sea bed.
  4. Stick on the fish and googly eye.

Monday 25 August 2014

Foot Print Cars


  • White cardboard paper
  • Green poster paint
  • Yellow poster paint
  • Black poster paint

Leopard Mask


  • Paper plate
  • White cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  • Orange poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Brown poster paint
  • Scissors
  • White craft glue
  • 2 black pipe cleaners
  • Craft knife (for mask)
  • 2 googly eyes (optional)
  1. Paint the underside of the paper plate orange.
  2. Cut out 2 large round-edged rectangles from the white card and paint them orange.
  3. Cut out 2 smaller round-edged rectangles from the white card and paint them brown.
  4. Let everything dry.
  5. Once the plate is dry, daub the tip of a paintbrush, covered in black paint, onto the plate to create spots.
  6. Cut out a round-edged triangle from the white card for the nose.
  7. Once everything has dried, use craft glue to stick them all into place.
  8. Bend the pipe cleaners in half and use craft glue to stick them to the paper plate. You will have to hold them down for a minute or 2 to make sure they stick.
  9. Use the black kokie to draw on a mouth.
  10. If you choose to make the mask, use the craft knife to cut out holes for your child's eyes, otherwise use the craft glue to stick on the googly eyes.