Saturday 30 August 2014

Footprint Crocodile

2 year old girl

  • Pink OR green poster paint
  • White A4 cardboard paper
  • Button OR googly eye
  • White craft glue
  • Pastels
  • Feet!!

3 year old boy

  1. Paint the child's right foot using the poster paint and place it at an angle, facing upward, at the bottom of the page.
  2. Paint the child's left foot using the poster paint and place it at an angle, facing downward, making the toes overlap with the other footprint.
  3. Let it dry.
  4. Once dried, use the craft glue to stick on the button or googly eye.
  5. Once that has dried, let the child use the pastels to draw in teeth and other details.

3.5 year old boy
5 year old boy

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