Thursday 28 August 2014

Paper Plate Dinosaur

Age Group: 2 years (with help) to 6 years
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium

  • 2 paper plates
  • White cardboard paper
  • Green paint
  • 7 split pins
  • Scissors
  • Black kokie
  1. Paint both paper plates green and leave to dry.
  2. Out of the white cardboard paper, cut out 4 equal length and width rectangles for the legs and an oval for the head.
  3. Paint the green and leave to dry.
  4. On one of the paper plates, cut a straight line about 2 thirds down the plate to make the dinosaur's body.
  5. From the second paper plate, cut out about 1 third of the plate's rim for the neck.
  6. Cut out the tail from the same plate.
  7. Assemble all the parts of the dinosaur using split pins so that every part of it is movable. 
  8. With the black kokie, draw an eye and a mouth onto the dinosaur's head.

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