Wednesday 6 August 2014

Bottle and Tissue Paper Buzzing Bee

  • Recycled water bottle
  • Yellow tissue paper
  • Yellow cardboard paper
  • Black cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • Black pipe cleaner
  • Black kokie
  • White craft glue
  • Cellotape

  1. Stuff the yellow tissue paper into the dry bottle and close the lid.
  2. From the yellow card, cut out wings and a head.
  3. Cut out 2 strips from the black card, making sure they fit around the bottle.
  4. Poke 2 holes in the adjoining fold in the head and thread through the pipe cleaner. 
  5. Twirl the pipe cleaner ends to make feelers.
  6. Use the black kokie to draw a face onto the head.
  7. Use the craft glue to stick on the head, stripes and wings.
  8. Use cellotape to ensure they are all properly secured.

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