Friday 4 July 2014

Paper Plate Spider Web

2 year old

3 year old
Age Range: 2 years to 6 years old
Estimated Time: Under 30 minutes
Messiness: Medium

  • Paper plate
  • Brightly coloured poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Hole punch
  • String
  • Cellotape
  • 2 googly eyes (optional)
  • White craft glue (if using googly eyes)
  1. Paint the paper plate in the brightly coloured paint and let dry.
  2. Once dried, paint a child's hands black with the black poster paint and make a spider (see image)
  3. Use the craft glue to stick 2 googly eyes onto the spider (optional)
  4. Once that has dried, punch holes on the edge of the paper plate.
  5. Thread string through the holes to mimic a spider web.
  6. Use the cellotape to secure the ends of the string to the back of the paper plate.

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