Wednesday 9 July 2014

Snowman with Ribbon

  • White cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  • Red kokie
  • Pastels
  • White craft glue
  • Cotton wool
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Black button
  • 3 coloured buttons
  • String
  • Ribbon
  1. Draw an outline of a snowman with the black kokie.
  2. Colour the hat in with the pastels.
  3. Spread craft glue on the tummy and head of the snowman.
  4. Stick wisps of cotton wool onto the glue.
  5. Use the craft glue to stick on the eyes, buttons and string (mouth).
  6. Use the red kokie to colour the string.
  7. Tie a bow with the ribbon and use craft glue to stick it onto the snowman's neck.

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