Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Recycled Water Bottle

Age Range: 6 years to 10 years
Estimated Time: Over 1 Hour
Messiness: High

  • Plastic water bottle
  • Various shades of green tissue paper
  • Red tissue paper
  • Pipe cleaner
  • Craft knife
  • White craft glue
  • Bostik glue
  • Yellow cardboard paper
  • White cardboard paper
  • Green paper
  • Small green pom-pom
  • Pritt glue
  • Scissors
  • Green poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Yellow poster paint
  1. Cut out 2 yellow circles for eyes (about 2cm across) and 2 green circles (about 1.5cm across).
  2. Use Pritt glue to stick the green circles onto the bigger yellow circles.
  3. Spread craft glue on the underneath of the bottle and about 1cm around the edge of the bottom of the bottle.
  4. Stick pieces of red tissue paper onto the glue.
  5. Use craft glue to stick the eyes onto the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Use craft glue to stick the pom-pom on as the nose.
  7. Spread craft glue over the rest of the bottle.
  8. Stick on strips of tissue paper in the different shades of green.
  9. Let dry.
  10. Use the craft knife to poke a hole on the top of the caterpillar just where the red tissue paper ends.
  11. Fold the pipe cleaner in half and push the fold through the hole as feelers.
  12. To make the leaf, cut out a leaf shape from the white card.
  13. Paint the entire cut-out green.
  14. On one side of the leaf, paint over with yellow to create lime green. 
  15. On the other side of the leaf, use a tiny bit of black paint to create the darker effect.
  16. Cut out a "bite mark" on the edge of the leaf.
  17. Use Bostik glue to stick the Caterpillar onto the leaf!

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