Thursday 10 July 2014

Paper Bag Puppy


  • Brown paper bag
  • Black cardboard paper
  • Pritt glue
  • Black kokie
  • Green paper
  • Aluminium foil
  • Permanent marker
  1. Use the black kokie to draw eyes, nose and a mouth onto the paper bag.
  2. Cut out a thin strip of green paper and use the Pritt glue to stick it straight across, underneath the face.
  3. Cut out a bone shape from the black card.
  4. Cover the bone shape in aluminium foil - make sure to keep the bone shape!
  5. Use Pritt glue to stick the bone onto the collar.
  6. Cut out ears from the black card.
  7. Use Pritt glue to stick them onto the paper bag.
  8. Use the permanent marker to write your dog's name on the tag!

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