Thursday 18 September 2014

Glitter Tarantula

3 year old boy

4 year old boy
  • Black cardboard paper
  • 8 clothes pegs
  • 8 googly eyes of different sizes
  • White craft glue
  • Glitter
  • Scissors
  • Paper plate
    2 year old girl
  1. Cut out a circle shape from the black card.
  2. Use craft glue to stick on the 8 googly eyes.
  3. Pour the glitter onto the paper plate and spread it so that it is even.
  4. Spread a thin layer of craft glue onto one side of each peg.
  5. Place the glued side of each peg into the glitter.
  6. Pick up and shake off the excess glitter.
  7. Leave to dry.
  8. Once dried, peg onto the sides of the circles to make spiders!

Contact Plastic Sheep

3 year old boy


  • Contact plastic
  • Black permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Cotton wool balls/puffs
  1. On the non-sticky side of the contact plastic, draw the outline of a sheep with the permanent marker.
  2. Peel off the backing a place on the table with the sticky side facing upwards.
  3. Place the cotton wool balls onto the plastic within the lines of the sheep you have drawn.
  4. Once done, fold the sticky edges in and cut the excess plastic off so that it is not sticky.

Feathered Duck

3 year old boy


  • Yellow cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • Googly eye
  • Coloured feathers
  • White craft glue
  1. Use the scissors to cut out a duck shape.
  2. Spread a thin layer of craft glue all over the card.
  3. Let the child stick the coloured feathers onto the duck.
  4. Use craft glue to stick on the googly eye.

Pig in Mud

3 year old boy


  • White cardboard paper
  • Black kokie
  • Pink pastel
  • Brown poster paint
  1. Using the black kokie, draw the outline of a pig on the card.
  2. Let the child colour the pig in using the pink pastel.
  3. Give the child the brown paint and let them use their finger to paint "mud" onto the pig.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Hand Print Tutu


  • Pink poster paint
  • Pink ribbon
  • 2 pieces of white cardboard paper
  • Embellishment such as a butterfly

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Footprint Bee Garden Scene

2 year old girl

  • White cardboard paper
  • Blue pastels
  • Green pastels
  • Flower shaped buttons
  • White craft glue
  • Yellow poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Black kokie
  • Glitter glue

Paper Plate Bee #2

3 year old boy

  • Paper plate
  • Yellow poster paint
  • Black poster paint
  • Black pom-pom
  • Googly eye
  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • White craft glue
  • Cellotape
  • Black kokie

  1. Paint the paper plate yellow and let dry.
  2. With the black paint, draw stripes down the bee and let dry.
  3. Use craft glue to stick on the googly eye.
  4. Use craft glue to stick on the pom-pom as the bee's stinger.
  5. Use the black kokie to draw on a mouth.
  6. Twist the pipe cleaners into wing shapes and use the cellotape to stick them to the back of the plate.

Footprint Penguin

3 year old boy

  • Black poster paint
  • White poster paint
  • Orange pastel
  • 2 googly eyes
  • White craft glue
  • White cardboard paper

Exploding Volcano


  • Brown paper
  • Black cardboard paper
  • White craft glue
  • Cotton wool puffs
  • Bronze glitter
  1. Cut out a volcano shape from the brown paper and stick it onto the black card.
  2. With the craft glue, draw lines down the volcano and coming out of the volcano.
  3. Sprinkle the bronze glitter over the glue and shake off any of the excess glitter.
  4. Once the glitter has dried, spread craft glue over the top of the volcano and stick on the cotton wool puffs as the smoke.

Button Christmas Tree

I used this craft when teaching the colour "green"

3 year old boy

  • Green cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • White craft glue
  • Green buttons
  1. From the green card, cut out a tree.
  2. Let the child choose which buttons they would like to use as the tree's "leaves".
  3. Use the craft glue to stick them on.

2 Peas in a Pod

3 year old boy


  • Paper plate
  • Green paper
  • Green paint
  • Scissors
  • White cardboard paper
  • White craft glue
  • Green pastels/crayons/kokies
  1. Paint the paper plate green and leave to dry.
  2. Cut the dry paper plate in half.
  3. Cut out 2 circles from the green paper and stick them onto the top of the white card.
  4. Glue one half of the paper plate at the bottom of the card, covering half of the circles.
  5. Discard the other half of the plate.
  6. Use the pastels to draw faces on the circles (peas)

Handprint Zebra

3 year old boy


  • Black poster paint
  • White poster paint
  • Black kokie
  • Googly eye
  • White craft glue
  • Red cardboard paper

Monday 1 September 2014

Foot Print Giraffe


  • Orange cardboard paper
  • Scissors
  • Brown poster paint
  • Split pin
  • 2 googly eyes
  • White craft glue

  1. Trace around the child's foot on the orange card and cut it out.
  2. Cut out a long rectangle from the left over orange card.
  3. Use the brown paint to paint blotches over the foot and rectangle.
  4. When dried, use the split pin to join them together (see picture).
  5. Use craft glue to stick on the 2 googly eyes.